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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Manila, the Cosmopolitan Capital

I am sooo excited today to finally reach Manila, the capital of the Philippines. Although its only my first day, this place is simply beautiful and a must-go destination for anyone who intends to visit the Philippines!

Located in the Luzon Region, it is one of the 17 cities that and municipalities that make up Metro Manila. Labeled the Cosmopolitan Capital, it is a blend of history, culture, and modernism which offers an endless number of places to visit and will definitely leave you with an unforgettable experience.

Now who ever said you need to be in Europe to enjoy European architecture? Without travelling all the way to Europe, you can find such works here at Manila!

1) The Intramuros : Constructed in 1571 during the period of Spain's colonization, it is one of the world's most well preserved medieval cities. It will be difficult to miss because it is located right in the heart of Manila. Intramuros is a literal translation of "within the walls" from the Spanish language, because the Spanish wanted this place to considered Manila and the city.

2) The Manila Cathedral: Located right at the center of Intramuros, this cathedral was the seat of the Archbishop during the Spanish colonial period, and still remains the exxlesiastical seat of the Archdiscese of Manila. With Catholism being the main religion in the Philippines, going to the most important church in the Manila is a definite must!

3) MalacaƱang Palace is the official residence of the President (currently Gloria Arroyo) and has one of the most historic structures in the Philippines. If you look at the present-day 20-peso bill, you will be able to see the picture of the palace depicted on the verso (back) side.

Even as I end, I must remind myself to snap as many photos of this culturally and historically rich cosmopolitan capital!

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