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Friday, October 31, 2008

MacArthur and Manila Hotel

General MacArthur is a popular figure in Philippines and I remember learning of his famous phrase "I came through and I shall return" (which he said during World War 2 pledging his return to defeat the Japanese forces) during History class last time! He was the Field Marshall & Military Advisor for the Philippines Army before World War 2 and became Commander of US forces in the Far East before World War 2. However, General MacArthur was forced to leave Philippines in 1942 during the Japanese attack & subsequent invasion. He left Philippines but pledged to return and defeat the Japanese forces. At the ending stages of World War 2, he led the Allied Forces to defeat the Japanese Army during Battle for Manila in 1945.

Manila Hotel is a great place for travellers to stay in especially with its rich historic value. It was noted that General MacArthur ever lived in Manila Hotel's penthouse from from 1935 - 1941!The original building was 5 stories tall, a modern tower has since been added. The "MacArthur Suite" was his penthouse, with spectacular views of the harbor and a replica of his office, only the table and chair are original. The hotel was the scene of room-to-room fighting during the battle for Manila in February 1945 and burned by the Japanese during the fighting by accident. A new multi-level portion of the hotel was built post war.The catastrophic battle resulted to serious damages. Approximately 100, 000 civilians died and 50,000 were hurt andwounded. On the American side, 1,010 soldiers from different units died while 5,565 were wounded giving a total of 6,575 casualties. As for the Japanese casualties, it was recorded that about 16,000 soldiers died during the battle.

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