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Saturday, November 8, 2008

More games!

The SUNKA! The favourite indigenous game. Today i just played the afternoon away with this game and it was GREAT FUN =) A warning though - it is VERY ADDICTIVE. you'll find yourself wanting to play game after game after game, especially if you lost in one ;)

How to play the game:
  1. At each turn a player empties one of the small pits and distributes its contents in a counterclockwise direction, one by one, into the following pits including his own store, but passing the opponents store. If the last stone falls into a non-empty small pit, its contents are lifted and distributed in another lap.
  2. If the last stone is dropped into the player's own store, the player gets a bonus move.
  3. If the last stone is dropped into an empty pit or the opponent's store, the move ends.

Sounds easy enough, doesn't it? GIVE IT A GO!

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