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Monday, October 20, 2008

Dessert: halo-halo

I would like to introduce to you one of the most interesting desserts in the Filipino culture .... the Halo-halo! Why? Simply because it typifies the "east-meets-west" Filipino culture. Firstly, the ingredients used come from a wide variety of sources, and when you put the entire dish together, it represents the homogenizing and cosmopolitan background, history and culture of the Philippines.

A bit on its background: Halo-halo derived from the Tagalog word meaning "mix" is a popular dessert that is a mixture of shaved ice and milk to which various boiled sweet beans and fruits are added and eit is finally served cold in a tall glass or bowl.Generally, condensed or evaporated milk are used instead of fresh milk due to the tropical climate of the Philippines. It is well loved by Filipinos because it satisfies their love for sweet, creamy and a filling dessert. I love it too!!

The ice cream, a Western ingredient is usually placed at the top of the concoction but that is merely on the surface of the dessert. When the ice cream melts, it blends with the Asian tropical fruits and beans underneath, which forms the bulk and substance of the mixture. Drinking the melted ice cream and milk later is the final act and passion of consuming the halo-halo, the creme de la creme in its liquid form. To say that Filipino culture is primarily Western is like taking the ice cream as the main ingredient of the halo-halo, thereby missing the colorful Asian substance of the whole mixture. Likewise, to say that Filipino culture is essentially Eastern is the same as taking only the Asian tropical fruits in the halo-halo and failing to drink the melted ice cream in the mixture.

Mmm, now since when did eating provide such an insightful perspective to a country's culture?

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